This page provides a range of technical materials to support and inform users about our software and consultancy services. We recommend revisiting this page regularly, as these resources are often updated.
This page provides a range of technical materials to support and inform user about our software and consultancy services. We recommend revisiting
this page regularly, as these resources are often updated.
Road management articles previously published in national newspapers and on the websites of road management agencies in several countries.
These are designed to be easily understandable for non-technical readers. You are free to use these articles, provided that their source
is quoted.
Useful links, where a wide range of specialist documents, reports and research papers are available pertaining to the transport (and particularly the roads) sector:
Austroads, the association of Australian State Road Authorities, containing a wide range of freely available reports, standards and papers:
Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), containing research papers (similar to the UK’s TRL):
The German government’s Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (in English):
The International Road Federation’s Global Transport Knowledge Practice (in which we have previously been involved in the area of governance):
The European Commission’s Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS):
The UK’s Transport & Research Laboratory (TRL), with access to a wide range of specialised report on transport related studies:
UK Anti-corruption forum, which aims to promote a infrastructure business environment free from corruption:
The Commonwealth Foundation to improve civil society’s role in good governance around the world through supporting people’s participation in
democracy and development: